Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My SimonPulse Book Deal!!!!

So do you all remember when I blogged about the book that will never be published? The one that I was inspired to write after the survivor testimonial writers' workshop I attended last April. The one that was too short, too dark, too graphic. The one that I HAD to write even though it sliced up parts of my soul to do so. 

And do you remember how all you awesome bloggy people helped me with the query for this and how I got my fantastic agent Sarah LaPolla from this query?

Eighteen-year old Ben Baptiste decides not to go to the party with his girlfriend, Ani. He’s not there when two strangers pour her drinks and brag about the upcoming “ride.” He misses her table dance, her announcement of a plan to hook up with half the guys in the room, and finding her passed out three hours later with no memory of the night.

But when doctors surgically remove a lighter left inside Ani, he's there. When whispers of "Firecrotch" and "Manhole" follow Ani down the school halls, he's there. When Ani begs him to make her forget, but then cries as he whispers, "I love you," he's there. And when his best friend tells him Ani's messing around with other guys, he is there.

Ben doesn't know how to fix Ani. But he is there.  

Well, that awesome agent of mine sent that book out because in her words, "we have to get this into teens' hands." And the absolutely fabulous Anica Mrose Rissi at SimonPulse liked it. Anica Mrose Rissi who edited several of my favorite books of ALL time (INVINCIBLE SUMMER, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE THE APOCALYPSE). Yes, I'm dying. It's too amazing. Can you believe how lucky I am? Me neither. 

So this little book of mine, TRAINWRECK, is going to be published by SimonPulse. It is currently slated for release Fall of 2013. And people in the world will get to hear Ben and Ani's story. And then maybe it will make people think a little bit differently about rape. 

I have so much gratitude for all the people who have been with me on this writer's journey. For those who have helped me find my voice. For the other writers whose books make me want to do better. For those who have read my books and given me awesome feedback. For those who have lifted me up when I felt like maybe I couldn't do it. You have to know how much each and every one of you mean to me. 

My hope for this book has always been to use 50% of the proceeds to help create more testimonial writing workshops out of it. (So yes, when it comes out, you MUST buy it because we will all win then). And because of Anica and the people at SimonPulse, we will be able to do another workshop. Maybe lots more workshops. 

So I will leave you with a giant SQUEE of "HOLY CRUD, MY BOOK IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED" and a video of some of the people who are part of the Voices and Faces Project (you will see me with my little Jojo there.)


  1. Congratulations!!!!! Oh wow. Your story sounds heart wrenching but amazing. So happy for you!

  2. Wow, this is great news. Congrats. I can't wait to read their story.

    Yeah. I'm that excited for you (times infinity). I can't wait to hold your book in my hand and dive into these pages that I have been anxious to read since I read your query letter. I am super excited and so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I will for sure be on your street team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

  4. Congrats Christa!! That's fantastic news! :)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Can't be said enough. So happy for you!

  6. YAY! GO CHRISTA! You've earned this, hon. I'm so excited for you. Really, I'm misty-eyed. Congratulations!

  7. Did you hear the loud SQUEEEE from over there? :) I'm so very happy for you.

  8. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. CHRISTA!!!!! I'm so, so, so, so, so happy for you!! I thought you had an amazing agent and now I think you have an amazing editor, so, well, I'm SO happy for you!!! And I'm sure to buy at least 5 copies (it happens everytime a friend puts out a book). YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! (I don't know how to pronounce that word, but it's surely done in a squealing voice!).

  10. Again, CONGRATS!!! So happy for you!

  11. AHHHHHHH!!! Christa!! Congrats! Glass of champagne in honor of this tonight! *cheers* You've got some serious rock stars on your pub team too! I can't wait to read this. I am so happy that THIS will be your debut!

    And The Voices & Faces Project---beautiful & moving!

  12. SOOOoooo well deserved. Seriously. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

  13. YAY CHRISTA! I am doing the biggest happy dance for you right now. WOOO-HOOOOOOOO!

    And OMG this book sounds amazing. I teared up just reading the query. Books like this are so important for teens. I can't wait to have a copy in my classroom library.

  14. CHRISTA!!!!!
    I TOLD YOU!!!!!!

    I knew you could do it, I knew it was fantastic, I am SO HAPPY that you've gotten the deal this story DESERVES!!!!!

    I hope that my feedback helped a tiny bit!! I'm happy I'll be able to say I knew you when!


    Gina Lamm

  15. Congrats!!!!! This is one of the best sale stories ever. I can't wait to read this .

  16. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I'm soooo really happy now! Though I'm not surprised--but I'm sure you already know that! <33333

  17. erica was so excited she passed your news on to me, so i had to stop over and say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! christy :0)

  18. WAHOOO!!!!!!!! I knew it! (the new fab blog digs was the tell ;)

    I AM SOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!...and not surprised. I'm SO PROUD of you. <3 I know all the angst this book has been, the 'too short', the family member(s)...all of it. But, girl, look at you now. Being honest and staying true to yourself and the story that wanted, needed, to be told, it all paid off. And no wyou can bring so much awareness and move forward with the much good. I'm so proud of you. *squishy hugs*


  19. I just knew that story would be needed in the world, this is GREAT news! CONGRATS!!!

  20. This sounds so intense! Congrats - you will LOVE working with Anica :-)

  21. I have to say congrats again on your blog to make it really official you know :D
    I read the original post about the book you linked and I´ve got shivers...and I talked to my husband about it already (it´s only 6am here so you can see how moved I am :-)
    Such a story needs to be published and I´m glad it will.

  22. Congrats, congrats!! Can't wait to read it!!

  23. Christa, I was one of those people who believed you should do what you could to get this book out there. It will hurt to read. But it will heal so many, too.

    I think I'm going to join the Voices & Faces project. I tend to distance myself from my painful truths, but those stories shape who I am, and the stories I, in turn, tell the world.

    ((Hugs Christa))


  24. I stumbled on to your site from a re-tweet. Congratulations on the deal and I can't wait to read the book. You inspired me so much, I had to blog about you on my blog. :-)

  25. Congratulations, Christa. This is amazing news. I wanted to read this book when I read the synopsis on your books page, and now I'll finally be able to. :)

  26. This is AMAZING, Christa! And the story sounds incredible--can't wait to read it. Congrats! :)

  27. Well played. Well played indeed.

  28. I'm so happy for you. I got a lump in my throat just reading this blurb. I just know I'll need a box of tissues when I come to read the actual book.

  29. I just saw it on PM, and about screamed. Yay for finally being able to share! I'm so excited for you!! Do you have a more specific release date yet? Our book babies are going to grow up together! I'm so freaking excited for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  30. Christa! Yay! Congratuations! I can't wait to read it :)

  31. Congrats!! Your books sounds amazing and important for teens to read. :)

  32. Congratulations, Christa! I'm so excited for you and I really can't wait to read it and recommend it to everyone I know.

  33. This post made me cry a little. I'm so proud of you and this important book you've written. I can't wait to read it even though I'm sure it's going to make me cry all over again. Congratulations, my friend. You are an inspiration.

  34. You already know how thrilled I am for you, my dear girl! You deserve every bit of this. You are so talented and amazing. I wish you all the best success!! <3

  35. Total *squee* That is amazing and I love that it will be able to get into the hands of teens. I love that you're going to do more workshops because of this. So truly awesome! Here's a huge CONGRATS!!!!

  36. Wow! Congratulations! I just saw Amy's tweet and since I love her, I had to check this out. Sounds like an amazing book!

  37. Wow, wow, wow!!!!!

    Congratulations Christa! That is amazing! Enjoy that feeling, it's one in a million. :)

  38. so crazy excited for you.

    congrats, Christa. HUGE!!!!


  39. So, SO happy for you, Christa! Cannot wait to have my very own copy of this book. Congratulations!

  40. NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!! I'm so freaking happy for you I want to do a jig for you...but that might freak my dog out.
    Seriously awesome girly:) I can't wait to read your book!

  41. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so out of the loop lately, but THIS IS FABULOUS! Congratulations! *throws confetti* I can't think of a more deserving person.

  42. I'm so, so happy for you! I know how much this book means to you and how much it took out of you to write. And I know it was destined to make it. :) I can hardly wait to see it on the shelves!

  43. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!

  44. So fantastic, Christa. You are amazing, and I agree wholeheartedly with Sarah in saying this book needs to get into the hands of teens. Your post gave me chills. YAY YOU!

  45. Congrats!! So exciting!! I'm very happy for you - - and for all of the people who will benefit from this story being told. Way to go!!

  46. I am so happy for you! This is indeed a book that needs to be out there. I can't wait to read it!

  47. okay, HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS UNTIL NOW?!?? prolly cause i've been absent from the blogosphere for the last like, two months. who cares, i'm finding out about it now! this is SO EXCITING. your book sound soooooo good, christa! so very excited for you.
