Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What First Pass Edits Look Like...

Hi! Interrupting my blogging break to let you all know that I'm in the midst of first pass edits on TRAIN WRECK.

This was me before the edits arrived...

And this is me now...
So it's, well, I guess.

I can't wait to come back on October 1st!!!


  1. Here's me being a cheerleader: "Go, Christa! Rah! Rah! Rah!"

  2. Oh my gosh! You go gorgeous! Looooove this pics. <3 <3 <3

    1. ...apparently "this pics" is the new lingo for "the pics" ... I'm just being... cool... er...

  3. You should've showed us the frustrating picture first, then left us with the fun one. At first I thought what a lovely picture (okay, I still do), but then I noticed your husband (I assume that's him) on the side. It made me laugh.

    Hopefully, you get back to the happy smile soon.

  4. You can do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt! :D Yes you can! :D
    And that first pic, hilarious (your hubby) and adorable!!!!
    Cheering you own, and doing a little cheering dance (which most probably sucks but hey I´m trying :P) for you!

  5. Power through, friend! You can do it!

  6. Good grief... Your family is too adorable for words! I love your hubby peeking in from the background. :)

    You can do these edits, friend. I have 100% confidence in you!

  7. Love Julio in the background! So proud of you. Can't wait to catch up with you soon :0 All is going great here.

  8. Hahahaha! LOVE this! Hm. Looking less forward to this now. ;)

  9. Oh man. I think I looked like that after my first edits too... can't wait till the second ones ;) haha
